For project, I recently needed a router table to safely handle smaller parts. Without a dedicated workshop and generally not much space, I have to reuse objects, machines and space as much as possible. I already use beer crates for various tasks when woodworking, such as a work surface, to prop up parts or as a modular step ladder. Therefore, modifying a beer crate into a router table was an obvious choice. After the modifications it can still be used as a step or in the base of a table.
Beer crates have pretty much ideal dimensions for a small router table. A crate just needs a removeable top made from Siebdruckplatte (resin-coated plywood) with a small border all around. If the border sits firmly, the top cannot without sliding and even sticks well enough on there to prevent accidental lifting off. The three screw holes to attach the router and a larger center hole for the bits are drilled quickly.
The crate requires more work: all dividers between the bottles and stiffener pieces must be removed. The bottom of the crate must be cut out larger enough that the router can fit through.
With the simple construction of the table, it is easy to take out the router to change bits or change the height. My router is intended for handheld use and does not have an option to be mounted. This means it is not possible to control the height through the base plate. Bit changes and height adjustments would be a bit of a hassle anyway, even with a better table.
The modular beer crates have another benefit: height adjustment of the table is already built in. Three crates stacked on top of each other are a good height for me to work on smaller parts. Two or two and a half crates work well for larger parts. A half height crate can be built quickly from wood. For stability, the crates can be placed on a base plate (plywood sheet with a rim) and locked together with snap locks.
Be careful when using such handheld routers in a table. As you can see in the images above, it is necessary to disable the trigger, e.g. with a zip tie. You will therefore need to use an external on/off switch with a restart inhibitor (Wiederanlaufsperre).